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Holy shit, this almost make me cry :( thank you (but you better not do it again!)

amazing game! very sad too,loved it tho!


i loved that game

lf someone (my dad wont let) could justdo this for them? pay for them please?

...we need more games like this. short but get the point across. loss is the thing most people will hate too feel the most and making it a little puzzle game was not a bad idea. love to see where you go next


This game is very bittersweet, silly, and cute.  I love it so much.  I saw a youtuber play it once.


im not crying, you are!! :

Charming little game. Quite touching. 



I miss my sammy  (T^T)

absolute cinema


small but warm ,l miss Gogo .


Não consigo jogar porque minha tela corta os personagens e nao da pra interagir , queria jogar 😢


very cool!


pls make this comment most liked here



Very nice story, artstyle and music!

really great)


can't wait to speedrun :)


cool and sad game


A short, but very very sweet game!


It must be raining inside too because my face is all wet ;_;


sniffles :


rip doggo

god this is so dark


so cute <3


I would play a full game using this idea :)


I adore this so much!

Heartwarming. 🥰




Such a good doggo :3

No, I did NOT get slightly teary-eyed at the end.


It's 6am and I am sobbing uncontrollably at a game that took <5 minutes to complete. 10/10 recommend.


wholesome and short game <333


my browser told me I had an invalid instance I'd while playing this it was like 128000 something like that




sad and really fun game


this was really wholesome 




y'know  a few years ago my cat died so this is very reletable and I about cried but it was a game to try to figure everything out:)


A really nice game for how short it is. Also being able to endlessly bark gives it a lot of points

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